MAHEYA, Ancestral origin of the name meaning "Creative Force". Her voice conveys joy, enthusiasm, harmoniously combined with jazz, pop, opera, Ethnic and Celtic melodies, with his music beyond all religious and cultural barriers. Brief biography: 1998 Maheya realizes, with the label of the Sound, an international project to 22 CD's., A pioneer in the idea of combining new music with elements of nature. 2000 In the footsteps of the Maya and Aztec music, creates the famous album "PAIT (The Lost Andes)" and Aztlan, compositions and arrangements inspired by these ancient civilizations. For the 2001 RAI writes the music of "The voyages of the soul." A program designed and directed by Director Antonio Maria Magro 2003 On the occasion of 'announcement of Pope John Paul II' upcoming beatification of the Missionary "Mother Teresa of Calcutta", is hired by a Maheya Of Sound to produce a CD "Tribute to Mother Teresa of Calcutta". This project is shared by HE Cardinal Angelo Comastri, Vicar General of the Pope for the Vatican City and Archpriest of the Basilica of St. Peter and Tara Battacharjee Gandhi, grandson of the Mahatma, who has collaborated, reciting a speech in honor of Mother Teresa. The 2008 Film Code Pirandello, "Luigi life impossible." Start the processing of Music Soundtrack and Film (in progress) dedicated to Luigi Pirandello. Screenplay by Enzo Lauretta (President of the International Study Centre Pirandello), Directed by Antonio Maria Magro. Year 2009 sees the birth of the "Easy Jazz" In Maheya comes the need to bring "Spirituality" in the world of jazz, composing and rearranging songs from texts that contain a message of Respect Life and Human Dignity. 2010 Tour of Italian Maheya, dedicated to the promotion of his latest CD called "Easy Jazz" 2011 single "Flower" that anticipates the release of the album in the works "Maheya". Maheya at this point in career is very interested in projects that have the opportunity to become real events, not just recording projects. ... "I want to do something with a broader base, which has the potential to reach people's lives, I want my music to be a means to help build a better society based on respect and tolerance."