Schermata 2020 04 28 alle 12.11.43Largely inspired by myths such as Michael Jackson, James Brown, Jamiroquai etc ... he won the critics' award in 1999 as Michael Jackson's impersonator in the broadcast "Moments of glory" conducted by Mike Bongiorno. He collaborates as a dancer with (Sponky) what was one of the choreographers of Janet Jackson, makes animation in the Tour Music House "Subaloba" of the famous Dj Joe T. Vanelli, works as a vocalist in well-known discos. The band of singer Fiordaliso works, sings alongside the television personality Franco Oppini. First place winner at: Bruno Lauzi National Prize, Canta C.R.A.L. of Milan, Art & Voice Festival, Eurotaverna Festival, Besana Festival, Garda Festival. TV appearances: Fiorello Karaoke (1994), Momenti di gloria (1999), Italia's Got Talent (2010), Canale San Marino (2011), Match Music TV music on the road (2012), Oscar Night RAI Sport (2013) , Party in Piazza ANTENNA 3 (2014), participation in the Mediaset transmission "Caduta Libera Sosia Day" (2016), Festival of SANREMO Rai uno (2016). Impersonator dancer singer of Michael Jackson in the Tribute band "Smooth Criminals" to follow "Jackson One" M.J. tribute band. Producer and author of several albums currently available on all online Digital Stores.