Gino Fioravanti and Gianluigi Toso have been collaborating for 10 years to the realization of music for the meditation. They have realized three titles for the Ludi sounds, then a cd appeared in the book Aromaterapia and music and Xenia and a complete necklace of 25 volumes for the relaxation. The characteristic of these works is that to lend him to be used as music of foundation for the relaxation, the meditation and the sessions of riequilibrio to bodily address. In the 2003 damage the street to the \"project Aglaia.\" Under this name they begin to artistically compose more expressive and mature music of environment thanks also to the assistance and the production of the mythical Alio Die that it inserts them in his label, the Hic sunt Leones, prestigious label that orbits in the area of the Ambient Music. Theirs first album \"Three organic Experiences\" is considered by Brian Bienowski good albums of environment of the 2003. They are inserted in the Encyclopedia of the Electronic Music taken care of by Artemi Pugachov. Their fourth album, Unprofaned Twilight, edits in 2008, it is a co-production Hic sunt Leones and Faria Records, label alternative of Pietroburgo. For the new label \"Giano Records\" they have servant and product Deep Drones, a harvest of titles ambient in the spirit of the sound Aglaia. Gino Fioravanti has studied by now the analogical synthesis on him \"prehistoric\" analogical forms Roland with Massimo Villa in 1978, interests since then him of electronic music and ambient. Gianluigi Toso in art John Toso is born as classical musician. Its deep musical culture allows him to play, to compose and to perform himself passing through the most varied musical circles..