Historian dj from Milan, he begins to rotate the discs in 1977 and after a period in the province, where he also worked on some local radio stations, rebounded in 1981 with his music to the Planta Blanca club, disco excellence summers of Milan, where he has been resident for 6 years. After many years as resident dj in other best discos of Milan as After Dark, the No Ties, the Sex-O, the Propaganda, the Borgo del tempo perso, the Gilda,now he's working at the Privilege, the best club of Lugano. Ed eccomi, ora in compagnia della Italian Way music, ad iniziare una nuova e stimolante avventura musicale, alla ricerca di nuovi talenti e nuovi successi!!!. And now here He is, in the company of Italian Way Music, to start a new and exciting musical adventure, in search of new talent and new successes!