Born in Palermo July 15, 1982, Jo Conti (Giuseppe Conti). From an early age manifested a passion for music and the show and began his career appearing in several specimens in local and regional broadcasters, television and radio for the job of conductor, but with poor results. Began to study singing going from lyrical to the modern polyphonic; in modern singing is his greatest passion and deepens increasingly the study of this type of music, studies currently ongoing, never happy with the results, always looking to improve its performance singing. Singer with powerful vocal range much sought tenor soprano, begins its journey in 2009 as a singer singing in local Palermo and private parties. At the end of 2009 knows Rossana Barbarossa, known singer and talent scout who does participate in a song festival held in Rome January 17, 2010, which will then be subsequently broadcast on TV, where he presented the song "IO CANTO" in tribute to his singer favorite, Laura Pausini. Always for the same talent scouts will return to perform in Rome in other festival also television on May 15, 2010. Since March 2010 engaged in the construction of his first cd cover and the first new songs, whose release is scheduled for year-end 2011. In February 2012 he began working with the musicians and Alessandro Felice Severa with whom, as a songwriter, wrote and produced several songs including the song "SINGING TO TELL YOU THAT I LOVE YOU" which, from 2 May 2012, is distributed digitally by EDIT labels and GIBIS MUSIC MUSIC PRODUCTIONS and in rotation on several radio. In May 2012 enter contests "HYUNDAI MUSIC AWARDS 2012" organized by the record company "UNIVERSAL MUSIC" and the 2012 "AWARD BINDI" with the songs "AND NOW IF YOU CRYING" and "ONLY HYPOCRISY" products from the collaboration of musicians Felice and Alessandro Severa and lyricist Alessandro Naccarato.