Ensemble Florete Flores consists of three musical reality, the instrumental ensemble was born in December 2009 to perform a selection from Handel's Messiah, the vocal ensemble and chorus of treble voices born in September 2010. The group is composed mainly of young students who aim at the promotion of musical culture. The entire Ensemble is direct, since it was founded in 2009, by Mirko Luppi. In November 2010 he produced, in collaboration with Scuola Pastor Angelicus of Milan, the musical "Il magico cioccolato di Willy Wonka" (on the Day of the Rights of the Child). In 2011, again with Scuola Pastor Angelicus and with Luca Santaniello, the first violin of the Orchestra Verdi in Milan, the Ensemble realized, with the contribution of the ANPI, an evening dedicated to the Holocaust Memorial Day entitled "La Notte". Also in 2011, he worked in Verdi opera highlights with a program titled "Viva Verdi ...".