justinsaneMarco, stage name MdG was "artistically" born in the Nineties.. First with a great passion for Rap music and later for Electronic And House Music.. Even if we find in his productions samples that take us into the world of Rap and Hip Hop. Mid Nineties he meets Robber Hawk and his great love for the world of music and deejays pushed him to make a course of Music Arts and Show.. The main Italian school for deejay managed by one of the most and influent stars of deejay set in Italy, Mauro Miclini from Radio Deejay Network. In that period he also meets Franki Wood and Alex Belloni starting new cooperations with agencies and play a music in very important Italian Clubs with great success. In February 2008 MdG founded the project HomeBoys with Thunder Dj with Robber Hawk and Alex Belloni. They start producing electronic music with the chart Raveolution (label Takeshi Recordings) published the same year, From now all MdG productions will be relayied as original charts or remixes of his partner Thunder. MdG partecipate to some Italian competitions winning with unpublished songs like "Space Invaders" which will be broadcasted over the air on Italian networks like M2O or Radio Italia Network. He partecipates at the project Beat Lovers producing and publishing some charts on digital stores with his partners Thunder ,Belloni and Robber Hawk. In 2011 he publishes as solo "To the Show" ( Anight Label.) . In 2012 he personally produces the remix of "Plagio" a song by his friend and artist Giuliano Camedda, giving a Electro touch to a typical Italian chart. In partnership with his friend Giuliano and HomeBoyz in 2014 he produces a cover from Adriano Celentano's "Che cosa ti farei" transforming a classical Italian song into a House chart. In 2015 he cooperates with other deejays and produces a show "House 4 Heroes" broadcasted on web radios and Fm too. In March 2021 MdG starts again to produce music this time with "The First Time" with the label Keep. In May 2021 the second single chart called "No More Time" (Four Stripes label) and the same period "Controlled my Life" (always Keep label)