Renato Pezzano, born in 1972, musically starts with '60 '70 blues and rock style, strongly in love with Pink Floyd and David Gilmour, but with the guitars of the period , so he starts the guitar playing as auto teacher in the last '80... A lot of bands and groups, studio sessions, cds, soundtracks, traditional teaching and online videomethods, publishing e music composition for tv and theatre, one book. And, in all this movement, the immortal love for the improvvisation and the expressive freedom of the musician. So exist The Filibusters, a open source trio band ready for every possible collaboration and situation. > From squares to little pubs, from classic theatres to the bad bars in Italy, Hendrix, Clapton, Prince, Pink Floyd, Doors, every thing mixed with long improvvisations and interstellar trips as in the best '70ies , following the mood of the night and the feeling between the musicians on the stage. All with the good wish of Filibusta in the life of every day...