Born in Milan, where he currently lives. TRAINING AND EDUCATION Flower Therapist, sound massage operator according to the Peter Hess method, co-drafter of the Bagno Armonico ® method for the sound massage and professor in courses for holistic practitioners. Taoist meditation practice for 30 years. EXPERIENCES Member of the scientific organizing committee of public conferences of ANEB (, National Association of Ecobiopsycology) from 2007 to 2010 and speaker in the same cycles. He collaborates with Psychotherapists for the integration of sound in psychotherapeutic relationship. He participated in Milan Summer 2009 with two conferences on Sound Massage and Bach Flowers. Professor of Sound massage at Ananda Ashram from 2010. He collaborates with oncology of Piacenza in a project of Integrated Oncology from 2013. In 2014 public along with Luca Pigaiani an informative article on the Bagno Armonico method on “DBN” and “Science and Knowledge” magazines. From September 2014 leads with Luca Pigaiani a pilot-study on the effect of administration of Sound Massage for cancer patients at the Hospital of Piacenza. In November 2015 the first results of this pilot study are presented at the International Congress of SIO in Boston. In 2016 together with Luca Pigaiani are expanding the study coordinating other operators in the national territory. From 2013 he propose informative conferences on the Bagno Armonico Sound-therapy method.