Gianfranco Balvetti Born in Rome on 7/2/46, poet, singer, composer and melodist, enrolled in the Siae. Pensioner was on duty in the Municipal Police Music Band.
With his wife Rosa, they organized animation private parties and birthdays for children dressed as Clowns, live evenings on New Year's Eve, Carnival, Valentine's Day, Women's Day, also Zecchino d'Oro Golden Singing Events.
Our Festival takes the name "CANTABIMBO" having organized it for 15 years, in Centocelle, Rome. Then successfully on Rai Uno in the Uno Mattina program.
Also with Nico Fidenco he wrote Sigle TV "Hela Supergirls and Microsuperman".
For a private TV, the initials "Mister Poldo" & "A Giraffe for a Friend" recorded on a 45 rpm was the initials for Rete Quattro. Winning in the various National Festivals as Author.
Gianfranco Balvetti
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- Category: Performers