Schermata 2020 11 30 alle 10.49.00Elisabetta Guido is a jazz singer and author, indicated by critics as an exponent of "neo-impressionism". Her eclecticism has often led her to perform also in gospel repertoires (she is also choir director) and in opera, as well as in popular music. She has been included in the Dictionary of European jazz women "Women in Music" (Colombo publisher - Rome). She graduated in piano and in opera singing. She is also the author of music and lyrics and arranger. His manual of vocal technique "The modern western song of African American origin" was published in 2010. Since 2003 she has been collaborating as choir director and vocalist with the productions of Rai 1 and Rai 2 (Sanremo - Oscar Tv, Telethon, Premio Barocco, La vita live, etc.), for which she directed, among other things, the theme song start of the 2004 Barocco Award program. He also participated in broadcasts of Rai International, Rai 3 and in the program Donne for Sky / Discovery Channel Real Time. He has collaborated as a chorister during the Rai1 broadcasts "Grandi Eventi". He has received 4 times the "Lecce Art Festival" Award organized by Rai 1, for the "Jazz" category. In 2003 he received an honorary plaque from the Municipality of Perugia and the Province of Lecce for his artistic activity with the “A. M. Family ”of Lecce. With the Gospel Choir in 2009 and 2010 he created the union for the first time between the Gospel Choir and the Symphony Orchestra, the result of the collaboration between the Orchestra of the I.C.O. "T. Schipa" of Lecce, directed by maestro Marco Della Gatta and Damiana Mancarella's “New Production” Association. [13] In 2014 she was named "Artist of the month" in the September / October issue of the prestigious independent music magazine "Muzi Kult". In 2016 the artist's new work was released, entitled "The good storyteller" (Dodicilune / Koinè), in which she is the author of the music and lyrics of most of the songs. Among other things, the CD contains a work entitled "Salento Rhapsody", which, mixing African and Balkan melodies and rhythms with the pizzica / taranta (performed on the CD by the groups "Zimbaria" and "Tamburellisti di Otranto"), is dedicated to cultural integration between several ethnic groups in the Salento area. He also started a musical collaboration with Riccardo Zegna and Gregorio Fracchia and started working on the soundtracks of the works of the young emerging director Agnese Correra. In 2018 he received the "Vigna d'Argento" Lifetime Achievement Award during the evening dedicated to the Award and included in the well-known "Città della Musica" review. In 2019 she received the "Il Salentino" Prize for Art and was indicated by the national media as the "Lead Artist" of "JazzMi", the prestigious Milanese jazz festival. Also in 2019 he conducted his gospel choir a concert at the Chamber of Deputies in Rome, on the occasion of the International Day of Non-Violence. On 4 and 5 April 2020 with the song It is never an error he participates in the event "Italy in a room", at the invitation of OA Plus and MEI, for the fundraising for the Coronavirus emergency. Also in 2020, his quintet with saxophonist Mirko Fait musically accompanies the summary video of the work done by the Lombardy Red Cross during the Covid-19 emergency. She has taken part in numerous reviews and jazz festivals such as JazzMi, Cernusco Jazz, Locomotive Jazz Festival, Udine Jazz, Doctor Jazz Míos Festival and Doctor Jazz Salentum Festival (of which she is artistic director) etc.