lombaLomba was born in 90 in Busto Arsizio, a city rich in bourgeois very rich in the central area, a little less in the suburbs, areas that Lomba often frequented because he perceived the slight hypocrisy in men from the economic success that he hardly estimated and precisely them in the outskirts of the city that had the his first approach to music mainly Rap by participating in the freestyle battles that the city offered. But diversity is a personal feature that he has always exercised so at the age of 18 he records his first PHILOLOGICAL album with mainly pop characteristics with reggae facets. But it was not enough for peers to like hip hop and pushed by his egocentrism he dives into the writing of 5 mixtapes but the time was not ripe and writing to please others was perceived in his texts that once again were not listened to At the age of 24 he returns to writing this time driven by the desire to communicate the sentiment par excellence that in those years had tasted love. Texts full of sentiment did not marry rap he decided to give new life and old life to his musical approach returning to pop he wrote 3 albums for 3 years in a row thought pumice, as do heroes and lomba 3.0 followed by the publication of a book like god sees me that deals with spiritual and psychological topics with a smattering of one's own experience but once again not fully satisfied with the result he decides to withdraw the albums published so far leaving for the year 2020 with a collection of the songs he considered most deserving divided into 2 albums pumice thought and the lives of a Buddha with the future promise of publishing a further album by the end of the year which he tells is a collection of singles that month by month he will preview on his YouTube page Emanuele Lomba Other bread to bake ? Certainly the source from which he draws his ideas is infinite, in his text, in planning a new book, this time a collection of poems with Christological nuances. A lot of meat on the fire and Lomba a 29 year old boy with a shaved head and a long beard with a plump look does not satisfy his hunger. What can we say we look forward to future projects while enjoying the present ones.