1I was born on March 1968 in Lyon. I grew up with music by my side, since that day when, at the age of three, I felt in love with the music that illustrated a children's show. It took many years to find, deep in my memory, that Ennio Morricone song « Lontano". Self - taught , dreamer and passionate about all the Arts. I started with the guitar for the love of rock. I dreamed of being a Rockstar in my bedroom. I played with different bands, hard rock, metal, blues, funk, soul… Then came the drums, a new passion and new creative opportunities. During all these years, I have always liked film m u s i c , g r e a t O r c h e s t r a l emphasis but also electro music. So I decided to marry the two worlds and work on my own music with Ambient aspirations. I chose the name Menkroy (twisted version of New York) to start up and create music that would be broadcast. Hard worker, my best music is yet to come…